Sunday, April 21, 2013

More adventures in the cloudforest

Sunday dawned slightly cloudy with the potential for rain. Larry stayed in and spent a relaxing day reading, Linda and Mary headed to the Galapagos Islands for four days, and Pat, Amy, and Callan headed to Mindo with their guide, Juan Carlos.
On the way to Mindo, Pat, Amy, and Callan took a refreshing walk along a stream in the cloud forest where they saw many species of orchid, a turquoise jay, and an intrepid humming bird. Fortunately, Juan Carlos went first and carefully moved spider webs out of the way. Even so, Callan almost fell into the stream trying to avoid passing too close to a web. From there they went on to Mindo where they visited Le Quetzel Chocolate Factory. The factory makes organic, hand processed chocolate. The tour included the opportunity to taste test the chocolate combined with ginger, hot peppers, and lemon grass. The factory is owned by an Ecuadorian-American couple and the American touches are obvious in things like the espresso machine (very rare in a country that prefers instant coffee) and paper towels in the restroom.
After lunch they followed in Larry, Linda, and Mary’s footsteps and visited the butterfly, humming bird, and orchid center and then stopped by the Center of the World on the way back to Quito.

Entry submitted by: Amy McLaughlin

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